Take care of the hydration of your nursing baby

Caring for your baby's hydration at any time is very important. For that reason, we explain how you can do it, as well as detect the clearest signals that will tell you when you may be dehydrated to remedy it. Do not miss it!

Omega 3: what it is and why it is so important that we take it

Omega 3 is the set of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids that our body needs, but can not generate from other substances. Therefore, it is advisable to take it from certain foods or supplements. This component was discovered in 1982 by the researcher Ralph Holman, who realized that the diet of the Eskimos was very good, because they consumed a large amount of marine animal fat, which contributed to their having cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Do you want to know more about omega 3? Watch out!

Discover the importance of taking folic acid during pregnancy

If your baby is on the way, you'll already know that your diet is essential to ensure your good health. The fetus receives the nutrients it needs to develop properly through what you eat. Therefore, you are responsible for following a balanced and complete diet to travel this path in the most healthy way together. One of the most frequent dietary supplements during pregnancy is folic acid, since its consumption favors the good development of the child. Discover what are the benefits that will bring you during pregnancy!