Vitamins and supplements beneficial in pregnancy

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Vitamins and supplements beneficial in pregnancy

Every women who become pregnant know perfectly what foods, drinks or habits should be avoided for the proper development of the fetus. Smoking or drinking alcohol, for example, is totally discouraged if you want to preserve the health of the baby and the mother.
However, future mothers do not know what type of food and vitamins are more beneficial to enjoy a much more pleasant pregnancy, while promoting the proper development of the baby, while in the womb. Learn about the vitamins and food supplements that will be beneficial during pregnancy.

Vitamins that are good during pregnancy

- Vitamin C. It is important in the formation of the blood vessels of the baby, the bones and the skeleton in general. It helps in the production of collagen, which is essential for the formation of the skeleton. This vitamin is also known for its benefits for the skin, since it helps to build and nourish it. The human body is incapable of producing vitamin C by itself, so it must be ingested in some way. It can be obtained through food supplements or consuming citrus fruits, vegetables and fruits.

- Folic acid. It is a very important nutrient in the production of red blood cells. It is found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables. Not all people usually have diets that include foods of this type. In addition, pregnant women with cravings often opt for sweet foods, leaving fruits aside. It is important to consume foods rich in folic acid to keep the body strong and healthy throughout the pregnancy. After all, giving birth to a child in the womb for nine months means that the body has to work hard.

- Vitamin A. This vitamin is good for the health of your baby's bones, skin and eyes. Consume it, it will also favor the correct development of the internal organs of the fetus. Even so, it is advisable to consult with the specialist before consuming this type of vitamins, because in excess they can cause the adverse effect. Remember that everything in excess is not good and it is not easy to know at all times what is good for the baby. Do not forget to consult the specialist doctor in case of doubt.

- Vitamin D. Helps to produce healthy teeth, in addition to tissues and bones of the baby. It also helps prevent the onset of diabetes in pregnant women. Vitamin D is normally produced by having the skin exposed to the sun. However, milk is also a great ally when it comes to ingesting this vitamin.

- B12 vitamin. It facilitates the formation of hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells that carries oxygen to the blood. The fetus also uses this vitamin in its favor to create its own blood supply. You can find vitamin B12 in chicken, red meat, dairy products or eggs, among others. You can also access this vitamin through some nutritional supplement.

Now you know what are the essential and beneficial vitamins during pregnancy and how to access them. However, keep in mind that gynecologists and doctors are the real specialists in the development of the fetus and in the correct progress of pregnancy, so always consult with them any questions related to pregnancy.

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