These natural products will help you to avoid dropping your hair in autumn

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Discover what products and habits can help you avoid hair loss

In autumn, we find many more hairs in our brush and that can get to worry us. In the same way that happens with trees, with reptiles or with mammals, we also suffer a particular change, in this case, hair, since it is quite sensitive to the alterations that our body undergoes with the change of season. In principle, we should not be alarmed, given that we have, on the scalp, about 100,000 hairs and we lose about a hundred per day. If you are concerned about this issue and want to lose as little hair as possible, we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Discover what products and habits can help you avoid hair loss

Not only autumn will be to blame for your hair loss. The stress and diet that we follow can weaken the capillary bulb, making the hair more prone to falling. In addition, age is another essential factor, since, the more years we have, it is more normal that our hair is losing volume and strength, so it gives the feeling that we have lost hair.

The first thing you should pay special attention is the hydration of your hair. We recommend that you apply a mask that contains highly moisturizing ingredients, such as olive oil or aloe vera. In case you want to moisturize your hair and you do not have a mask at hand, you can find a lot of recipes for homemade masks or you can choose to apply a lot of moisturizing cream before going to sleep. Braid your hair when you have impregnated your hair in cream and let it rest throughout the night. In the morning, take your usual shower and carefully wash your hair, with non-aggressive products. You can also use capillary moisturizing oils and carry out the same methodology.

It is very important that you pay attention to your diet. Among the foods you consume the most, you should find a lot of fruits, especially citrus fruits, as well as vegetables and legumes. Avoid as much as possible the snuff and alcoholic beverages, since they are substances that can weaken to a high degree the hair follicles, so it promotes hair loss. Also, we recommend that you consume foods that contain vitamin A, which you can find in eggs, cheese, carrots and liver; vitamin B, present in nuts, whole grains, legumes, brewer's yeast and rice. In addition, you can find the folic acid present in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and asparagus and it will also help you to a great extent also the omega 3, which you can find in blue fish.

Do not wash your hair every day or use water that is too hot. It will also help you to massage your scalp with the tips of your fingers while you soaping and finish your shower with a jet of cold water, with the aim of revitalizing your capillaries.

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