Take care of your cold by the changes of climate with these natural products

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Take care of your cold by the changes of climate with these natural products

Soon, the cold, the rains and sudden changes in temperature and climate will arrive. All this will be accompanied by strong colds and colds, which are the most widespread disease in the world and affecting a greater number of people. It is very difficult to treat and, in fact, even today there is no cure. Normally, the common cold lasts three to ten days and, when that period passes, our own immune system ends up with all the viruses in a natural way. While the cold is healing on its own, what we can do is treat the symptoms in the best possible way.

Take care of the symptoms of your cold with these products

Cold symptoms are very varied and annoying. Among them, we find the discharge, runny and stuffy nose, headache, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, itching, pain and phlegm in the throat, a constant tiredness and a general feeling of malaise. We have to give you a first recommendation: stay at home. In this way, not only will you recover faster, but also avoid infecting those around you.

It is good to eat certain foods and supplements to reduce symptoms. Watch out!

Vitamin C

This vitamin will protect the mucous membranes of your pharynx, larynx and nose, so that they do not become inflamed and produce more mucus. It is recommended that you take an orange juice or a kiwi, given that, thanks to the large amount of vitamin C they contain, they can shorten the duration of your constipation by one day.

Combine propolis and echinacea

This mixture is one of the best natural recipes for healing the cold without the need to take medication. Echinacea stimulates the immune system and propolis will help alleviate sore throat, for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Soothing cough tea

Elderberry tea, especially if made with fresh berries or red fruits, is rich in vitamins A and C, and is also expectorant. If you have a very strong cough, it will be very relieving to drink an infusion of linden. Keep in mind that when you have a cold, it is very important that you drink a lot of water and the litter will help you to drink more liquid. Consuming hot foods and liquids will help reduce the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lungs, nose and throat.

Foods that contain zinc

Those foods that contain high levels of zinc will strengthen your immune system and prevent you from catching a cold. In the event that you are already suffering from a cold, it will reduce the severity of the symptoms and you will heal faster. Some of the foods that contain more zinc are pumpkin seeds, nuts, beef, eggs and legumes.

Take garlic

This food has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that will help fight sinusitis, coughs and colds. Raw fresh garlic is the one that brings the most benefits to health and most properties are preserved even if they are minced, squeezed and even if you let it rest for ten minutes before cooking it. If you do not like garlic, consume it in allicin capsules, which is a key component in garlic.

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