Risks of this spring and summer to fight

Risks of this spring and summer to fight

Spring and summer are excellent seasons, full of light and good weather. However, there are also some seasons where certain afflictions and ailments arise. Although they may occur at other times of the year, it is now that they are most visible, especially due to changes in habitat and conditions that occur around you. In this post we will talk about the most common discomforts and their most effective and natural solutions. Do not catch you unprepared!

What are the most common conditions in spring and summer?

• Allergies. If there is an absolute protagonist during this summer season, that is the allergy. As you well know, it is an exaggerated response of the immune system to an aggressor agent who perceives it as harmful. The main causes of this alteration are pollen, different plant species, dust, animal epithelia or certain elements, among others. Besides not getting in touch with these, you can avoid allergies with herbal medicine. You can also buy natural products such as Sinaler Oil, Alervit or Tlergol Activ, depending on your condition.

• Gastroenteritis. You are facing a digestive disorder in which the stools increase sharply in number, size and fluidity. Among other reasons, this may be due to a virus, bacteria or parasite that has been ingested through water or a contaminated food. Obviously, your first step is not to consume that product again. Then, we recommend you to arm yourself with the best infusions of astringent plants, such as oak, grapevine, walnut or salicaria. Also, consume supplements that give you lactobacilli.

• Urinary tract infections. Believe it or not, it is also one of the most frequent conditions during this period. As a rule, it is due to bacteria and usually occurs more in women than in men. This information is due to the use of certain contraceptive methods. It can also occur in the elderly and children, who tend to hold urine for a long time. Luckily, you can count on cranberry and hibiscus to combat this ailment, since both are excellent remedies for prevention.

• Alterations of the dream. You know it well, sleeping peacefully is a key fact for your health and well-being. In fact, if this activity is scarce or of poor quality, it can lead to a weaker immune system. To avoid this, we recommend you buy natural products that help stimulate melatonin. In case you do not know, it is the hormone that gives you an excellent rest.

We all want to spend a good spring and an unforgettable summer, so we recommend you act immediately. Thanks to our natural remedies you will get the allies that your body needs during this season. Consult with a specialist and make good use of them. Better safe than sorry!

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