Candidiasis: prevention and natural treatment

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Candidiasis: prevention and natural treatment

We all know of its existence, although we would not like to know it personally. Vaginal candidiasis is a contagion caused by excessive proliferation of the fungus known as Candida albicans. This germ is present naturally and in small quantities at specific points in our body. As a rule, it does not cause disease or symptoms, although it can multiply and cause infection. In this post we will show you how to prevent and treat symptoms naturally. Do not take chances and take notes!

How to prevent candidiasis correctly?

Obviously, the first thing you have to take into account is the hygiene factor. To cover your back with this key point, arm yourself with soaps that have an appropriate PH for the vagina and avoid the use of perfumed bath oils or deodorants in this area. In addition, we recommend that you opt for cotton underwear, avoid using that which is too tight or synthetic. As for sexual relations ... What are we going to tell you? The logical thing is to use condoms to avoid contracting or spreading this infection, although it is rarely transmitted through this route.

A varied and balanced diet, rich in nutrients, will increase the defenses of your immune system and strengthen it. Includes foods with a high vitamin C content, such as lemons, oranges or broccoli. Also, water consumption increases. In this way, you will maintain healthy PH levels.

Treatment of candidiasis through natural remedies

Despite the use of medications to treat this type of infection, it is advisable to supplement your diet nutritionally in order to induce a therapeutic effect. For this, it has the following elements:

• Arm yourself with vitamins B and C. While the former are necessary for resistance to infection, the others increase immunity and protect tissues from damage caused by candida toxins.

• Garlic, the brand of the house. Spanish cuisine could not be the same without it, but what you probably did not know is that it serves as an excellent fungicide and germicide that helps purify the body.

• Propolis. Like garlic, it acts as a fungicide and bactericide effectively against microorganisms such as Candida albicans.

• Essential fatty acids. They are really important to protect the cells of your body against this type of fungus. Another beneficial acid to elaborate this work is caprylic, capable of eliminating candida.

• Echinacea. It will strengthen your immune system to fight this infection.

These are just some of the elements to be used to counteract the symptoms of candidiasis. Do not forget to use them once you have consulted with your specialist. The natural remedies are here to stay!

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